George And Tony Entertainment Show

George and Tony Entertainment Show #185



A Curmudgeon, An Optimist, and 8 Comic Books Walk Into a Bar George plays The Curmudgeon and guest co-host Eric from Longbox Review (check out his latest episode, #123, with his guest Peter Rios at plays The Optimist as our heroes talk about Project Superpowers: Hero Killers and Swordquest from Dynamite Entertainment, The Unstoppable Wasp from Marvel Comics, Clue from IDW, Sisters of Sorrow from Boom! Studios, and three recent issues of Batman from DC. Have we piqued your curiosity? If you are lucky enough to have a comic book store near you, head over there right now and pick up some (if not all) of these books. Not so lucky? Then use the Amazon link at when these stories are inevitably collected in trade paperbacks.