Ace Weekly

Think Like An Entrepreneur, with Sean Castrina - ACEWEEKLY070



Think Like An Entrepreneur, with Sean Castrina - ACEWEEKLY070   This episode should be REQUIRED LISTENING for anyone who wants to start a business, or live the life of entrepreneurship. Sean Castrina joins ACE Weekly to discuss starting businesses as well as managing 20+ ventures and lessons he’s learned over the past 20 years.    Sean Castrina has started over 20 companies, and still seeks to launch a new venture annually. With his strong track record of success, he also serves as a highly successful author & speaker. On this week’s episode, Andrew & Sean dissect the decision making process for really becoming an entrepreneur. What do you do about your 9-5 job? How do you find your big idea? Where do most business plans fail? How do you avoid the mistakes that could kill your business?   Sean has the answers through decades of experience. This episode is a MUST LISTEN for anyone looking to start, scale, or play any role in starting up a business.   Get Sean's Free Book @   C