Changing Denver

The Zoo and You



On this episode of Changing Denver -- the finale of season 2! -- we venture into the animal kingdom (as far into it as we can get without leaving the city, that is). This is a story about societal norms surrounding animal exhibitions, and it only begins at the Denver Zoo. Thanks for another successful season, everyone. Your continued support means the world to us. We'll be back in a few months with new episodes, and we may have a few surprises in store before then. - Make sure to watch one of the slick promo videos on the Wild Animal Sanctuary's site here.  Here's where you can find Marc Bekoff's new book, The Animals' Agenda. You don't need me to give you this link to the Denver Zoo. - Our theme song is "Minnow" by Felix Fast4ward. Also heard in this episode were the songs "Goodbye Graveyard" by Shark Dreams;  "Riverside" and "Greyhound" by The Milk Blossoms, "Baby Seal" by Weird al Qaida, "Tweak a Bit" by Dr. Zilog, and a selection of tracks off the album Container Ship by The Kevin Costner Suicide Pact. -