Changing Denver

The Entrepreneur



On this episode of Changing Denver, we tell the story of Jane West, “ganja-preneur” and advocate, and explore the role of women in the cannabis industry. This episode marks the start of season 3, a mini-season highlighting people we’re calling “agents of change,” instead of neighborhoods or other made spaces. - Further reading: We highly recommend reading John Schroyer’s extensive report on Women Grow. You can find it here. Also from Marijuana Business Daily, here are the results of their surveys of women in the cannabis industry: 2015 is here and 2017 is here. You can learn more about Jane and her new line of products at her website: - Our theme song is "Minnow" by Felix Fast4ward. Thanks to Safe Boating is No Accident for the use of their songs “Never Change” and “Day Planner,” which can be found on the album Bonus Features. Thanks also to Chella & the Charm for the use of their tracks “Queen City of the Plains” and “What of Dreams” from the album Denver Delay. Leighton of Safe Boati