Random Bush

A RandomBush Minicast: Wild Tangents #38 - Why Shawn doesn't have Children



WT#38     00:07:26 Written and Performed by your Host's Andrew Bush and Shawn Random Episode Summary We are patting ourselves on our backs down here at the RandomBush Studio's. As this episode marks the publishing of our 100th piece of RandomBush Content. :) We were told we couldn't do it. We were told we would fail. We pursued anyway. Not because we can't read the writing on the wall. We have the internet we know the status of podcasting and it's place in the larger entertainment industry. We understand the challenges. Due to our careers, We have exclusive, behind the curtain, hands on experience, in producing Hollywood productions. We understand the challenges better than most aspirational wanna bee pod-casters in our shoes. What the nay Sayers need to understand is we don't care about any of that. You can write a reasoned fact based argument as to why pouring our efforts into this production is a waste of our time and talents. And you would be completely correct. And even that still won't stop us. We do