On The Mic With Tim Drake

Episode 154 - Oscar Week (Pt. 1) feat. Skye Fitzgerald, Ed Perkins, Andrew Chesworth, and Bobby Pontillas



Today's episode is Part 1 of our Oscar week coverage! All this week I am interviewing the Directors behind the Oscar Nominated short films. Today's episode features 3 filmmakers, Skye Fitzgerald from the Documentary Short "Lifeboat", Ed Perkins from the Documentary Short "Black Sheep", and Andrew Chesworth and Bobby Pontillas from the Animated Short "One Small Step" I talked with all of these filmmakers about finding out their films were nominated for an Oscar, as well as all of the individual aspects of each of their films, how they developed their story, what inspired them in the filmmaking process, troubles they encountered, and so much more.  The Oscar Shorts are still playing in theaters around the country, as well on the Oscar Shorts TV. All 15 films nominated in the short film categories are absoultely incredible and are having a wonderful time talking to all of these filmmakers. Stay tuned for another episode tomorrow with 3 more Oscar nominated Directors.  A special thanks to Skye Fitzgerald, Ed