Rocket Punch Radio: Movies, Books, Videogames, Nerd And Pop Culture Galore!

Episode 45: Christmas TV Specials! Fraggles, Charlie Brown, the Grinch and Garfield - Plus RWP!



In this episode, James, Nate and Samantha chat about the most wonderful time of the TV Guide, Holiday Specials! Samantha learns the terrible truth about the Doozers, Nate learns the terrible truth about commericalism, and James learns the terrible truth about Lasagne Flakes. Come join us and let's all ruin our holiday memories together! Plus, we talk about what we're reading/watching/playing. There are some spoilers for Titanfall 2, but they end around the 60min mark.  James’ book West of Pale is now available in it’s print edition! Check it out on Amazon. Also, take a look at his Sci-Fi first draft on his website Our logo was designed by our very own Jay. Please take a look at his portfolio at for additional examples of his work. Check out our YouTube channel! The Giant Robot of Rocket Punch Radio can only be fueled by the ratings and subscriptions of faithful listeners like yourself. Hit