Rocket Punch Radio: Movies, Books, Videogames, Nerd And Pop Culture Galore!

Episode 47: 2017 Excitement! Games, TV, Books and Movies we're looking forward to in the new year



Happy New Year! Twenty sixteen is gone, and it's left twenty seventeen in its place. In this episode, the pilots chat about what they're going to use to distract themselves from reality in the coming year!  Books discussed in the episode: White Tears - Hari Kunzru Forbidden Brides of the Faceless Slaves in the Secret House of the Night of Dread Desire Dissolving Classroom - Junji Ito The Bastards and the Knives - Scott Lynch Humans, Bow Down - James Patterson Welcome to Nightvale: A novel - Joseph Fink, Jeffrey Cranor In Calabria - Peter S. Beagle Dusk or Dark or Dawn or Day - Seanan McGuire Empress of a Thousand Skies - Rhoda Belleza James’ book West of Pale is now available in it’s print edition! Check it out on Amazon. Also, take a look at his Sci-Fi first draft on his website Our logo was designed by our very own Jay. Please take a look at his portfolio at for additional examples of his work. Check out our YouTube channel! https://ww