Rocket Punch Radio: Movies, Books, Videogames, Nerd And Pop Culture Galore!

Episode 50: S. Abe Artooth or "Holy Crap it's been FIFTY EPISODES" Triva Night!



In this episode, we have another trivia night to celebrate our 50th episode! Nate give us way too much credit, Samantha and Jay bring back an old favorite, and a new crew member is briefly added to the show. Thanks for all of your support over the last 2 years! We all really appreciate you hanging out with us every week.  Thanks also to C-Bear for this week's outro song, Psyduck! You can find his music at James’ book West of Pale is now available in it’s print edition! Check it out on Amazon. Also, check out  his website, Our logo was designed by our very own Jay. Please take a look at his portfolio at for additional examples of his work. You can also check out his Etsy store at IntelliGentUnlimited. Check out our YouTube channel! The Giant Robot of Rocket Punch Radio can only be fueled by the ratings and subscriptions of faithful listeners like you