Rocket Punch Radio: Movies, Books, Videogames, Nerd And Pop Culture Galore!

Episode 68 : Sci Fi July Continues! Costume Pasta and Back of the Bus Wizards



In this episode of Sci Fi July, Jay and Samantha talk about 90s Sci Fi movies that didn't live up to their potential? And like, a hundred other things? Jay has feelings on where Vin Diesel should sit and Samantha shares her brush with fame. What was your favorite low rent Sci Fi movie from the 90s? What are your feelings on pasta? Would you have said hello to Malcom McDowell? Have you seen Pitch Black? You should really see Pitch Black. Also, keep your eyes open for an extra episode coming up about the first episode of Game of Thrones this season! How about Ed Sheeran, huh? They'll be talking about all that and more! James’ 2nd book, Bond of Blood is now available in it’s print edition! Check it out on Amazon. Also, check out  his website, Our logo was designed by our very own Jay. Please take a look at his portfolio at for additional examples of his work. You can also check out his Etsy store at IntelliGentUnlimited. The Giant Robot of Rocket