Gotham Press

When the cats are away... - Season 1 Episode 12



Ready for your next dose of kinky nerdy fun? Here's the latest episode hot off the internet presses! Greedy and Fiend are running the show this time as Zeolist and Leopard were off at Disney and Awesome was down celebrating his first full year in Cali by seeing another podcast(cheater)! No worries though! Even with low numbers we bring you the best podcast around for your nerdy and kinky needs! The Gotham Press SHOW NOTES -------------------------------------- Nerd News Shout out to Cody Vrosh - Entertainment Games (Video, Board, Card, Etc) Street fighter 5 new trailer shows the first DLC character Alex and his awesome moves - Capere by Paul Ali - New games to be reviewed over the next few podcasts.  Movies Gambit movie delayed again - Deadpool is the highest gros