Gotham Press

Awesome found a HiddenJiann - Season 1 Episode 14



In the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's not a piece of shit movie based on two iconic DC characters (Awesome's opinions are not those of the entire crew)! Just a warning up front there are !!!SPOILERS!!! for Batman v Superman if you haven't seen it yet. Hey everyone! Awesome here again giving you the the latest episode of the Gotham Press! If you're a listener and in the Bakersfield, CA area then there's an ad (No we're not getting paid....hopefully soon!) at the beginning of this episode you may be interested in. In our ongoing campaign to bring the kink and nerd worlds together we have a more great stories to tell you, some more sad news from Hollywood, a Superfight!, Movie news, TV News, Kink news and everything you love about the Gotham Press Podcast. Time to relax with your favorite group of nerdy kinksters and enjoy! Sincerely, The Gotham Press SHOW NOTES ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Nerd News Entertainment 2016 is just ending lives in