Bible Learners Corner

Mankind's Desire (Part 01): The Tree of The Knowledge of Good and Evil | The tree of Life



When someone seeks to HAVE a DESIRE, their SPIRITUAL HEART will CONCEIVE the DESIRE. As the DESIRE grows up, it matures and gives BIRTH. The heart having CONCEPTION and BECOMING PREGNANT, it GIVES BIRTH or BEARS FRUIT. Someone with their “free will” can choose to have Good Desire that will produce LIFE [Good Fruit]. If someone chooses to have Evil Desire this produces DEATH [Bad Fruit]. Having Evil Desire in a person's spiritual heart is Conceiving sin: Therefore, SIN as it grows up leads someone to bear or give birth to bad fruit or deeds. NB. Just as Conception in the natural [flesh] takes place in the womb> In like manner > In the spiritual, the heart’s desire [good or evil] when conceived it will give birth to [LIFE or DEATH]. Sin is conceived in the [HEART = = WOMB]. In other words when desire in the heart has conceived evil, it gives birth to SIN and DEATH. Read the book of [James 1] and also [Isaiah 59]. People conceive evil and bring forth iniquity. [Isaiah 59]. More messages already shared on t