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Brunch Across 11 Countries: Recipes of a private chef on SAfm



Alix Verrips, the author of Brunch Across 11 Countries: Recipes of a private chef, chats to Karen Key on SAfm Time to Travel. As private chef Alix Verrips has cooked in employers’ homes in the Bahamas, St Tropez, Spain, the UK, USA and Africa and she has flown in more private jets that she can remember. Alix spent 15 years in the yachting industry cooking for a host of royalty, various celebrities, oligarchs and industrialists. She is the only female chef to have been the Head Chef on four of the top 20 largest yachts in the world. She had the privilege to cook with/for culinary luminaries like Thomas Keller, Charlie Trotter, Jacques Pepin, Martha Stewart, Heston Blumenthal and have had the thrill of meeting a lot more. When not traveling the world cooking for high profile clients, she spends her time in Knysna entertaining friends and raising money for a number of children's charities by using her culinary talents. Brunch Across 11 Countries is all you need to host the best party with a difference. Recipes