Low Frequency

Episode 16 - Leo Hazree



In the spot of sand cutting Caspian sea apart, people rave all night long until the first sunbeam will light a line between the land they dance on and the water they dance by… The sea gives warm in winter and fresh nordic wind by summer nights. The wind is called Hazree in Azerbaijan. Leo, which stands for Aslan in local language, brings that cool, drizzling feeling of fresh wind in a summer rave night. http://leohazree.com http://www.facebook.com/leo.hazree http://www.mixcloud.com/leo_hazree/ http://soundcloud.com/leo_hazree http://www.residentadvisor.net/dj/leohazree-az http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCC-7YkjwVGOIjSgTUncKp0A http://www.waveyard.net/LowFrequency15.html