Paranormal Priestess Podcast

PODCAST#14-Druidess Cat Treadwell- Spirituality Helping Us To Cope(Anxiety, Depression, ect.)



Cat Treadwell is a full time Druid Priestess, Volunteer for The Druid Network & The Pagan Federation. She is a professional Chaplain and author, blogging at She shares her powerful inspirational thoughts and feelings regarding how spirituality can help people cope with many of the very difficult patterns that hinder our inner peace and balance. She also shares how one can benefit from nature's natural cure as well as building a strong personal Divine connection. Cat comes from a place of finding strength each day when she she finds herself having mental and emotional lows, and offers practical suggestions on how simply turning to spirituality and nature can help turn things around for those finding it difficult to cope with life's many challenges. This is quite a unique and introspective episode that can be returned to as often as necessary as a reminder of "THE BIGGER PICTURE", and how we sometimes overly complicate life more than we should, and how there is much beauty to ex