Paranormal Priestess Podcast

PODCAST#15-Angela Artuso From Gotham Paranormal ( TAPS Family)



Angela Artuso is a Paranormal Investigator who is The Director of Gotham Paranormal Research Society TAPS ( The Atlantic Paranormal Society) Family Northeast Liaison located on Long Island, N.Y. She was raised in a house with activity in Brooklyn N.Y. , and discovered that she was able to speak with spirits at the age of 5. From there she began a mission to understand what she had been experiencing while growing up. Gotham Paranormal Research Society has had the privilege of spending countless hours in many historical structures in New York and on the east coast, as well as helping clients on a private basis. Angela feels that being able to help and educate people about the Paranormal is by far one of the greatest rewards of doing this work. Angela is also heavily involved with The TAPS Family Organization, as an administrative assistant. She puts much effort into spreading awareness, educating, and participating in many public events and fundraisers, as well as remaining an ongoing supporter of many historic