Dhs Us History Ii

February 19, 1963: The Feminine Mystique



“The Feminine Mystique” – February 19, 1963 Background Before the early 1960s, women’s purpose was to take care of their families at home and have children. Many women did follow this way of life, whether it meant cooking homemade meals for their husbands while they were at work or cleaning the house. Although they could attend school, it was harder for girls than boys if they wished to be successful in a high paying job after they finished school. Even if they did get a job, women earned far less wages than men. The more time went on, the more women accepted their role as being the housewife at home. However, nearing the early 1960s, many women became active in fighting for equal rights. Women had to gain support before any hope of being listened to, since they did not have high political power. To accomplish this, many women advocated their views on the unjust rights between men and women through articles. Some of these journalists advocated for their rights in newspapers, such as Gloria Steinem