Dhs Us History Ii

1963: The Birmingham Campaign



The Birmingham Campaign: During the early 1960s, segregation was at an all time high in the south, especially in Alabama. Times were very difficult for African Americans as they were seen as the inferior race. They were segregated from restaurants, bathrooms, water fountains and they had specific neighborhoods to live in. Furthermore, African American students were forced to attend different schools which were often not as good. Blacks were forbidden to be seen with whites. Birmingham Alabama was a city known for the extreme racism. The KKK dominated this city and years before, this group castrated an African American, forced a library to remove a book because it contained a black and white rabbit together and sought to end black music on radios. Martin Luther King Jr. said that Birmingham was “the worst big city in race relations in the United States.” The African Americans had enough with the extremities the whites were doing, so they sought change. The Birmingham Campaign was a movement in 1963 that work