Dhs Us History Ii

February 1st, 1960 Greensboro Sit-In



The Beginning of the Movement: During the 1960s, southern states were still mostly segregated and it was not a strange thing. Southern states did not enact the desegregation laws as quickly as the other states did. This was not fair for the African American people and they took action, a non-violent course of action. In 1960, four students from a local college decided that enough was enough. They decided to show the white people of the area that things were still segregated and that it should be changed. They decided to target a local business, Woolworth’s in downtown Greensboro. The four of them, Ezell Blair Jr., David Richmond, Franklin McCain and Joseph McNeil, sat at the segregated counter at this diner. The waiters, waitresses, and managers refused to take their orders and serve them. As a result of this, these students did not get up until closing time and came back at opening the next morning. They returned the next day and brought more of their friends from the college. They filled the entire co