Dhs Us History Ii

June 11, 1963 George Wallace "Stand in the Schoolhouse Door"



Civil Rights movements were being sparked all over the place in the 1960s due to gross injustices against the African American population. Brave people from black communities were sick of the treatment and started to protest and speak out. Their courage gave effective attention to the cause. Ironically though some of the most impactful moments were created by those seeking to prevent equal rights. A man by the name of George Wallace was among a group that would do anything to keep the United States segregated even as lawfully it moved towards becoming more desegregated. His position as the governor of Alabama helped the issue reach high government level. He sought to take down a race, that his protest only helped raise awareness for. George Wallace was elected governor of Alabama in 1963. A scary reality for African Americans seeing as he led his campaign off the message of "segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever." He was an extreme segregationist who had the power to make his opinions r