Dhs Us History Ii

July 2, 1964, President LBJ Signs The Civil Rights Act of 1964 Into Law



July 2, 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act of 1964 into law Background: The Civil Rights Act of 1964, simply put, declared that all men are equal in the workforce as well as in public. It applied to all genders, races, religions, and nationality. It proved to very beneficial as is it managed to give equal voting rights to all. Before the Act was passed, people fought beyond belief for equal rights. Many momentous events were slowly, but surely leading up to it, and it was only a matter of time before someone did something about it. Starting ten years prior, in 1954, the Brown V. Board of Education court case was the first big step towards public equality. The Case ruled that the Plessy V. Ferguson stance, “separate but equal,” was unconstitutional in schools. It showed that the people were starting to care more equal rights, and they were starting with the schools. Many “small,” but still immensely important events followed the case, including Rosa Parks’ arrest, and the Freedom