Dhs Us History Ii

June 11, 1963: Civil Rights Address



Luke Bernier Mr. Mael 4/30/17 U.S. History II How the Civil Rights Address Movement Affected Civil Rights The Civil Rights Address was a speech given by John F. Kennedy, following the famous stand at the schoolhouse door. During the stand at the schoolhouse door, Governor George Wallace of Alabama stood in the doorway of the University of Alabama in an attempt to block two African American students from entering the school. To get the students in the school, the national guard was required. In response to this event, JFK created a speech that would go down in history as one of the best presidential speeches of all time. Traditionally, JFK had not expressed concern or acknowledged the civil rights movement, as, while he believed in their cause, he could do nothing for the movement. According to the New York Times, “The president had been routinely criticized by black leaders for being timid on civil rights, and no one knew just what to expect when the cameras started filming.” Despite the speculat