Dhs Us History Ii

August 28th 1963 March On Washington By Sam Katz



Sam Katz Mael P.3 US History II May 2, 2017 Background on the March on Washington; The March On Washington was a giant gathered march to help protest for civil rights for African Americans. The leaders of the civil rights movement and also religious groups organized the march. More than 200.000 Americans were apart of the March on Washington D.C. This march was a huge eye opener to American citizens about the social and political damage that America was inflicting on the African American culture. This march also led to one of the most famous American speeches of all time, delivered by Martin Luther King Jr. The I Have A Dream Speech, is something that will forever be famous in American history, however what many people don’t know is that Martin Luther King Jr. was given the worst speech time slot. He delivered the final speech and it was assumed that most reporters would be gone at that point and that not many people would ever even hear the speech. Surprisingly many people heard the beautifully spoken MLK