Conversations With Anne Elizabeth

Ep 08 - Susan Bingaman



Conversation 8:  The Story, Journey and Passion of Food Scientist, Susan Bingaman “There was never a connection but the lightbulb went off. I remember it like it was yesterday. I had those big college books where you are trying to figure out your life, looking at all the majors in the majors in the colleges. I was in the Food/Dietetics section and Food Science was in there. I thought it sounded ridiculous and my mom goes, that’s you. Wanting to help people cook is what I want to do. Dietitians know how the food acts in the body. I know how food acts in the food ” - Susan Bingaman My conversation today is with Susan Bingaman, Food Scientist From time to time, I want to have conversations with guests who are not registered dietitians, but have a deep connection to food, nutrition and wellness. Susan Bingaman is one of those fascinating guests whose lifelong passion has been the science of food. As a little girl, Susan always found herself in the kitchen with her family cooking and this passion lives on in her t