Conversations With Anne Elizabeth

Ep 19 - Anita Turczynski RD, LD



Conversation 19:  The Story, Journey and Passion of Registered Dietitian, Anita Turczynski RD, LD “I was asked to give nutrition talk at my daughter's pre-school (at the time) and I researched fun activities for kids nutrition education. That lead me to providing a presentation for Child and Adult Nutrition Education Programs on teaching nutrition education. I have realized that child nutrition is a passion of mine. It’s not work if you love it. There is always something new to learn.” - Anita Turczynski,  RD, LD My conversation today is with Anita Turczynski, RD, LD Anita is a one of those people you meet who just radiates positivity both personally and professionally. It was interesting to know she initially majored in accounting in college. While she was navigating her future career plans and after shadowing a registered dietitian, she truly discovered her passion for nutrition. This lead her to an interest in food service nutrition and also a love for nutrition education with children in a public school s