Conversations With Anne Elizabeth

Ep 20 - Chef Andrew Kintigh



Conversation 20:  The Story, Journey and Passion of Chef Andrew Kintigh “It’s all science. Whether it’s baking or traditional cooking. It’s the same when you’re plating a normal entree or a salad, there’s all those components that the chef or even the cook (and you don’t have to be a chef to cook great food).  There’s so many chefs that aren’t classically trained that are better than chefs that haven’t gone to school. If you’re going to go to school, you definitely need the real life experience of working on a kitchen line and “being in the weeds” - Chef Andrew Kintigh My conversation today is with Chef Andrew Kintigh As registered dietitians, we love food and know exactly how food functions in our bodies and many of us incorporate cooking and recipes into our profession. Enter, Chef Andrew. As a registered dietitian, I value the expertise the professionals who work with food daily, which is knowing the science behind cooking. Chef Andrew is someone I have gotten to know over the past couple years and I value