Conversations With Anne Elizabeth

Ep 22 - Andrew Salgado



Conversation 22:  The Story, Journey and Passion of Personal Trainer and Wellness Coach, Andrew Salgado “If somebody shares their health or wellness experiences, I feel very honored because I feel that health is a very personal thing and if they share that with you, they’re able to tell you what they are going through right now. (When they share this with me) It’s like “wow, that for sharing that with me” and I definelty want to do my best because they’re sharing that for a reason. I try to do my part in taking the information and trying to work with them, find them (my clients) right where they are and I try to meet them at that spot.” - Andrew Salgado   My conversation today is with Personal Trainer and Wellness Coach Andrew Salgado. As registered dietitians, we sometimes get mistaken for the expert in everything health related. We know as professionals that food, nutrition and physical activity have a very cozy relationship. I don’t know about you, but I was not trained at all in fitness and do not believe