Conversations With Anne Elizabeth

Ep 44 - 1 Year Anniversary of "Conversations with Anne Elizabeth"



Conversation 44: The Story, Journey and Passion of the First Anniversary of Conversations with Anne Elizabeth! “The one thing I think Registered Dietitians need to do A LOT more of in their life is to toot their own horns. Shout it out to the world that you are the nutrition expert, you are smart, capable and you are the professional all kinds of entities craving nutrition information and advice should seek out. Registered Dietitians are doing amazing things and working in amazing ways. This is why I started this podcast. I want to toot your horn for you, tell your story, share your expertise and then in turn create a kick-ass tribe of registered dietitians who support each other along this crazy, fantastic, challenging and valued journey. It all begins by starting a conversation that truly matters.” - Anne Elizabeth, RD, LD, FAND Today’s conversation is celebrating the 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY of the podcast with yours truly! In honor of this very special and inspiring year, I am having a celebratory giveaway of t