Conversations With Anne Elizabeth

Ep 47 - Travis Gaule, Financial Advisor



Conversation 47: The Story, Journey and Passion of Travis Gaule “Your building up weather and building up your lifestyle after you get out of college, as long as you can control that and not worry about what society, your friends and whoever it is are doing (when it comes to money). Just do your thing and be smart about it. Part of that is getting in touch with the professionals, whether it is the financial advisor or CPA, that’s what we are here for. ” - Travis Gaule My conversation today is with Travis Gaule, Financial Advisor As we enter into the world of practicing as a registered dietitian, I think we tend to focus a lot on the excitement of being an RD and not all the other important and financial details. For those of you starting your first job, for those of you changing jobs and for those of you who might be taking the leap into being an entrepreneur, finding a smart financial partner is so important. I have been in a 3 scenarios and I thought it was very necessary for me to seek out a financial advi