Conversations With Anne Elizabeth

#196 - Wendie Taylor, MBA, RDN



Conversation 196:  The Story, Journey and Passion of Wendie Taylor,  MBA, RDN Today’s conversation is with Dietitian Wendie Taylor, a food relationship coach and emotional eating expert.  She is the founder of her signature program Finding Food Freedom.  She is passionate about helping women give up chronic dieting and food obsessions so they can cultivate a healthy relationship with their bodies and food. Wendie believes that community, relationships with others, and our relationship with ourselves rises above number counting and unrealistic expectations around food, eating or body image. She believes we all deserve to respect the body that we are in and we have the right to eat and enjoy all foods.  It is her mission to help women break free from limited beliefs that are holding them back from who they are created to be! Please enjoy my conversation with Wendie. Connect with Wendie on her website and on Instagram. Facebook Group: Ditching Diets Together- https://www