So Suzy Podcast

Stepping Out Of Your Comfort Zone



There is a happy little place in all our hearts that makes us feel all warm and fuzzy inside.  We feel safe.  Possibly mildly confident in our complacency.  No fears of failure.  Just happy contentment.  This is also referred to as stagnant or perhaps you would prefer comfort zone, because it sounds happier.  And truly, finding and having a happy place or comfort zone, can be quite wonderful.  However, if you never leave that place of safety, will you ever grow?  Will you ever find true excitement or happiness? By challenging yourself or taking risks, you push yourself to learn, grow, become more successful and more confident.  Sure, you may find failure along the way, but without failure, do you ever really learn how to become a better you? Show Notes Sometimes our lowliest times bring about our greatest achievements. Stories of Inspiration Referenced Rags to Riches Story of JK Rowling from Business Insider And yes, it is pronounced "Rolling"...I did do my homework.  Check it out here. The story of how the