Gaming Culture Radio

Episode 249 - Should Bethesda Games Be Exclusive to Xbox?



With the Bethesda deal now finalized, we discuss the impact of the acquisition and what the plan should be for Xbox going forward. Essentially, if we were Phil Spencer and Todd Howard, what would we do with Bethesda IPs going forward? Which games should stay multi-platform, and which ones should be exclusive to the Xbox ecosystem? We also discuss coming features to MLB the Show 21, as well as how we like to enjoy sports games in general. A summer show might be on the way for Xbox and Bethesda - what do we hope to see there, and how might this impact Xbox's involvement at E3? Finally, an Xbox employee hinted that there are games still unannounced that are coming in 2021 - what might they look like? Finally, we detail the newest releases for Xbox this week and answer community questions in our Fan Mail segment. ***Join our new DIscord channel*** Get all the latest Xbox news right here! Subscribe to our brand new YouTube channel! Join our new forums today! Head over to https://forum