Wealth Strategy With Bryan Rigg

Financial Diversification



Diversifying not only your investments is important, but also diversifying your spending habits or your saving habits is very important, especially when times are good, which right now, quite frankly, times are very good in the United States. We see that throughout history, practicing diversification is something that people have realized is very important to do. Unfortunately, as we see throughout history, most people do not do it properly, and many people don’t do it at all. Even Shakespeare, in “The Merchant of Venice,” talks about how you should never trust just one investment, no matter how good you think it is. LEARN MORE AT www.RiggWealthManagement.com RIGG Wealth Management offers securities to Broker Dealer Financial Services, Member SIPC and advisory services through Investment Advisors Corp and SCC registered investment advisor. RIGG Wealth Management is not a subsidy area of Broker Dealer Financial Services. Neither RIGG Wealth Management nor Broker Dealer Financial Services offer legal advice. Cl