Wealth Strategy With Bryan Rigg

What Do Financial Advisors Do?



Quite often we get questions about what actually do we do. What do financial advisors do? Simply, it is sitting down with people and helping them come up with a strategy of how to, in most cases, plan for retirement. Also, there is a lot of things that go into financial planning that doesn't necessarily have the compass heading of retirement solely in the crosshairs. There's a lot of things that financial planning can do. How you take care of kids' educations. How you take care of health insurance. How you take care of the mortgage. Best ways to manage those things that are daily life pressures, whether they be car payments, whether they be house payments, and so on. There are a lot of things that go into financial planning, but having a financial quarterback is something that the research shows most people need. They need to sit down with somebody and go over what they are doing and how they are planning for all the pressures in life that require financial discipline, financial support, and so on. EARN MORE