Wealth Strategy With Bryan Rigg

Show 7 - How to Manage Liquidity Events



We see quite often in life a lot of people do not manage liquidity events very well. The most dramatic example are lottery winners. When they get a lot of money, what happens in a few years? It's all gone. Granted we don't encourage you to be banking on winning the lottery, but we see that when people do get a liquidity event like that they've put no thought into how to manage that cash. Whether it's on this massive scale of a lottery or whether it is being in control of your 401K, selling a house, having an inheritance, a lot of times when people get that money they do a very poor job of managing it. Another example out there that we've heard quite often about when people get a liquidity event and manage it poorly, and here they know they're getting a liquidity event, are professional athletes. We hear so often that 70, 80, 90 percent of NFL players and NBA players, once they leave the league they're bankrupt in a few years because they haven't properly focused on how to deal with those liquidity events, put