Wealth Strategy With Bryan Rigg

Social Security & Pension Plans



I want to talk about the segments we're covering today, but first we're going to lead off with pros and cons of credit cards, the goods and the bads. There are some good things about credit cards. They are good to have. You just don't need too many. We're also going to talk about the misconceptions of social security. No matter where you are, it's good to know, because you're saving money through work, and then as you get older you're able to use that. It's something everybody participates in when they're working. We've got the misconceptions of social security. We've also got are there pension plans out there? Is it like a unicorn where there are a herd of them, but you've never really seen one? We're going to talk about existing pension plans, where are they. If they exist, where are they, and what do you need to plan for in eventualities. Finally, we're going to close out today with private school and education savings for college. Some of this will pertain to most of you, we hope, and we think you'll find