Wealth Strategy With Bryan Rigg

Ways to Save Money



We're here to talk about not just finances and financial wealth but planning, proper planning, retirement, and saving for schools. There's all sorts of ways you can save money. We're now in a culture where we need to take care of our money for today, for tomorrow, and for the long term. We're here every week, just to keep things simple, just to educate you, to remind you that doing nothing is never the answer. You have to do something. Whether you come and see Bryan at Rigg Wealth Management or whether you just dial in every week, and listen to this show, and learn a few things if we can inspire you to do something then we're doing our job. Bryan is here to help with Rigg Wealth Management. I'm here to facilitate, move things along, and ask the questions that may be on your mind today and every weekend. Doing something with your money. Ask parents. Ask friends. Ask a coworker. Ask your boss. Ask HR. Talk to your bank. Talk to Bryan. Just go online, but please... People have to do something because nothing is