Wealth Strategy With Bryan Rigg

The 411 on Trust Funds



A trust fund is a vehicle you can use during your life. You can do an irrevocable trust. Then it's solid. It's active, once you fund it. Or you can have a revocable or a trust you fund on your death. This trust, then, will benefit either a foundation or benefit your heirs, your children, your grandchildren, nieces or nephews, whoever you earmark for it. One of the most important things about a trust is that it bypasses probate. If you set up a trust it's not disclosed. If you're worried about people knowing where a certain amount of assets are going to go later on, if you have it in your will it will be probated and it will be a public record. Everybody will be able to see it. If you do it in a trust, it bypasses probate. It's sealed. Nobody knows who's getting what and how much is in there. LEARN MORE at www.RiggWealthManagement.com RIGG Wealth Management offers securities to Broker Dealer Financial Services, Member SIPC and advisory services through Investment Advisors Corp and SCC registered investment adv