Wealth Strategy With Bryan Rigg

What Exactly is an Annuity?



What Exactly is an Annuity? We're going to discuss annuities. What exactly are they? Should you or should you not participate in an annuity program? Also, the definitions and the differences in IRAs and 401Ks. We bounce those numbers around and those items. We consider them in our portfolio, but what are they? What are the differences? We also want to take a segment to clear up confusion about Social Security. There are Social Security benefits, and there's Social Security income. We're going to address some broader elements in Social Security. Finally, our last segment's going to be about TRS. School's out now. Summer's in session. Teachers, some are retiring, and some are starting. Some are continuing their career path as a teacher in our public school system as well as some administrators. What are pension plans for TRS? Is it always going to be enough? We'll talk about that to close the day. LEARN MORE at www.RiggWealthManagement.com RIGG Wealth Management offers securities to Broker Dealer Financial