Wealth Strategy With Bryan Rigg

Consolidate Your 401Ks



Folks, we're glad you're with us here for the next hour. I want to say thank you for letting us contribute to part of your day. We are here every weekend at this time. It is the weekend. It's a great weekend. We're looking forward to having you with us. We're going to talk about a few topics today. We're hitting on four in particular we think you might enjoy. We're going to lead off with insurance. Insurance, you need it for planning. People commonly have life insurance, but we're going to get into some of the details about why it needs to be a part of your financial planning. We're also going to find out what to do with previous employer's 401(k)s. Let's say you've quit a job or you've moved on and changed careers. If you've got 401(k)s that are hanging around with other companies, let's get those consolidated. The why and the what‑fors, we're going to talk about later in this hour. For More Information Visit: www.RiggWealthManagement.com RIGG Wealth Management offers securities to Broker Dealer Financial