April Eight Songs & Stories

Ep 17 Winter Songs & Stories "Snowflakes"



Welcome to Episode 17 of the April Eight Songs & Stories Podcast. With so much to enjoy about winter, I'm glad it is here! Today's story is called, 'Snowflakes" a great little tale for your kids at bedtime, bath time, car time, or anytime your family needs a story.   The poem I tell about in my story in this podcast is Robert Frost's Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening. And, if you'd like to find my song, Snowflake Fairies from the April Eight Songs for a Magical Winter, you can download it right here.  To find my world-traveling friends and their family, go to Journey of the Globe  (@journeyoftheglobe) on Instagram and Follow them so that you too can be a part of their grand adventures. And while you are over there on Instagram, follow me, and also my brother James and his band, Great Willow.  And, if you want to Stay Up Late with April Eight on my Facebook Live Slumber Party on January 28th, come on over to Facebook and Like the April Eight page. We'll be staying up late on the last Saturday of every m