Broken Clock Podcasts

Broken Clock Gamescast Episode 141 - Back Catalog



Welcome to another episode of the Broken Clock Podcasts Gamescast where no, we didn't play Death Stranding and you can't make us! This week Joe tries to find what game can fill the void before next week brings in Star Wars and Pokemon, while Jon started his Pokemon kick a little early and finally checked out Let's Go. Adam finally got his hands on Call of Duty so he gives thoughts on the campaign and multiplayer while confirming whether or not Joe is in fact jaded. The Lightning Round/Not Lightning Round this week features a bunch of Sony news prepping for the next generation, dataminers digging into Modern Warfare, the Halo show gets under way, and Hideo Kojima states what he wants his next projects to be. Don't forget to like and subscribe, and follow us on Facebook and Twitter @BrokenClockPods