Broken Clock Podcasts

Broken Clock Gamescast Episode 157 - Cheers To Three Years!!!



Welcome to another episode of the Broken Clock Podcasts Gamescast where we present to you a very special episode of the Gamescast! To celebrate the milestone that is 3 years of the podcast, and because Adam is on vacation and we could not come up with a theme to record early, we decided now was finally the time to jump in on this whole "Let's Play" thing that everybody keeps talking about. Instead of a normal episode with news and the Lightning Round/Not Lightning Round this week's episode is the audio from our Let's Play where we finally checked out WWE 2K20. In the audio only version you will hear what we thought of the game, and how much we could all gang up on Joe. If you want to see the video itself you can check it out on our YouTube channel So let us know what you thought of this new venture, but don't worry, we will be back with a normal episode next week, so make sure to like and subscribe, both here and on YouTube and follow us on Facebook and Tw