Faith And Fitness Podcast

Ep. 28 - Day of the Dead



The mixture of Halloween, Dia De Los Muertos, and All Saints/All Souls Day has me thinking about seasons and God's purpose for endings and beginnings in our lives. This historian in me got curious, so this podcast will give you a bit of background on the Day of the Dead, Halloween, and the Catholic All Saints Day traditions. What all of these cultural and religious traditions have in common is the celebration and recognition of death as merely a passage to the next season. It's not the end. God put eternity in our hearts so we would know that all things have a season. *** Faith and Fitness is a podcast that mixes topics of spirituality and Christianity with fitness inspiration, motivational stories, and random things that happen to pique my interest. While the initial 21 day program is meant to launch you on your journey to a healthier body and soul, it doesn't stop there. We will keep pushing ourselves to be better, discovering wisdom and truth, and bearing our struggles together along the way. *** Kris