Film Punch Podcast

FP Bonus Ep! Interview with director Amy Jo Johnson (Felicity, Power Rangers) TheSpaceBetween



Film Punch organizers Angela Shershin and Dave Clingerman team up for this bonus episode with a film punch of actor turned director Amy Jo Johnson (Flashpoint, PowerRangers, and Felicity) first feature "The Space Between" Before the film punch they got the opportunity to interview the director about her new film. Find Johnson's film online, see details here: Film Summary: When Mitch (Michael Cram), a proud new father, discovers that his baby isn’t his, he leaves his small-town and sets out on a journey to find the baby’s true daddy and ultimately what it means to be a father. Meanwhile, Jackie (Sonya Salomaa), the baby momma, reeling from her decision to take her pregnancy into her own hands, convinces her best friend to help her find Mitch and save their marriage. The journey they all take is a heartfelt, coming of age (a slightly older age) through backwoods burlesque festivals and small town funeral-home larceny. Filled with a hilarious and moving cast of supporti