Stork Storytime Podcast

Let's Dish: A Surrogacy Story



Infertility Center of St. Louis This site provides comprehensive information, graphics, thorough explanations, and videos of all topics related to infertility. Dr. Sherman Silber, the primary reproductive endocrinologist at this center, also has a YouTube channel dedicated to answering viewers’ questions about fertility. The latest treatment options are discussed in detail. Creative Family Connections This site has comprehensive information about each state’s surrogacy laws including information about current surrogacy statutes, legal proceedings that may be required, and the legality of surrogacy for single individuals and gay and lesbian couples. Click on US Surrogacy Map in the drop-down menu at the top of the page to find specific information about each state. The laws in the state where the child would be born applies in the case of surrogacy (not the state you live in). Find Surrogate Mother This site is an independent pl