White Bitch Buffet

EP 34 - Yo Momma!



In this episode of White Bitch Buffet, Maxini continues to give us an update in Netflix Addictions on the new shows that have joined Netflix. She praises the V-Power in a new show she's been watching, Girl Boss, along with updates on the greatest white bitch of all time, Chelsea Handler and her Netflix original series Chelsea. She recommends the newly aired seasons of both Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and Master of None. Big L is behind the times with Netflix and breaks down a quick segment of Sports Talk with updates in the post-season of the Bruins and Celtics. The girls lighten the mood with their favorite game Whose News?! Maxine keeps a score, stick around to find out who wins! After an intense game of Whose News?! the girls recognize the summer weather that's been happening in a segment rightfully titled It's Getting Hot Hot Hot! The episode is wrapped up with a PSA on the effects of drinking in hot tubs and a list of holidays to look forward to in the upcoming month of June. Catch all things White Bitch B