White Bitch Buffet

EP 72 - #winging it



July 2020 is late but as good as ever lol. Laura and Max are joined by Meaghan once again and this time they switch things up talking ~shroom talk~ before even Netflix Addictions. They recap Maxini and Kev's most recent experience on shrooms as babysat by Laur and Meag. Then we can't forget Netflix addictions for real, the girls dish on all the latest movies and shows theyre bingeing in quarantine. They try their best to stump each other in another edition of their favorite game Whose News? where they guess betqeen real and made up news headlines. They wrap up the episode with a looooong overdue SHPORT TALK as Big L gives us all the low down on NHL hockey playoffs that are finally kicking back off!! Find the bitches on FB as White Bitch Buffet and follow on twitter @whitebtchbuffet.