Rumi Forum Podcast

Interfaith Leadership Forum Inaugural Event



On October 25, the inaugural event of the new Interfaith Leadership Forum explored how to deepen interfaith work in religious communities, professional life, and our culture. Leaders from all segments of society, and those who want to become leaders, joined us for this virtual event. The ILF aims to promote pluralism by convening leaders of various religious, ethnic, racial, cultural, and gender backgrounds to exchange ideas and generate action-oriented agenda. It provides a venue where a diverse group of community leaders, scholars, clergy, and public officials can engage in in-depth discussions on shared values and explore ways to harness them for social action. ILF is open to all individuals who are interested in advancing their interfaith literacy and serving the community as interfaith mobilizers in their professional or individual capacities. Objectives: * To strengthen interfaith relationships, literacy, and leadership by: • Equipping one another with various models of dialogue with distinct ends. •